Not for The Faint Hearted but for the Brave hearted!
The Emotional Health Bootcamp is an intensive 4 days, 3-night trip away from your normal environment
to focus and work on becoming your best self and living fully the life you were created to live.
As a therapist/Coach I will hold your hand and empower you to release your potential and address any
fears that are holding you back.
You will understand emotions and navigate safely through your emotions to live an emotionally healthy life
just like living a physically healthy life.
The coaching sessions will resource you and empower you to get your dreams off the drawing board.
You will see yourself with new eyes, what makes you unique, valuable and how very, very worthy of love
you are……
You will cry, laugh, grow and be transformed in an atmosphere of love
I look forward to having you,
2-5th October 2025 | Spain
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