Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

“The righteous choose their friends carefully …

Proverbs 12:26

In the gospel of Luke (Luke 8:49-55) Jesus was on His way to pray for a little girl who was very ill and on the way He stopped to heal the woman with the issue of blood, then He learned that the child had died. When Jesus heard that Jairus’s daughter had died while He was on the way to pray for her, the bible says when He got there He chose only Peter, James and John to go in with Him. This is so powerful as the situation was negative He selected carefully who would go in with Him  to pray for the little girl.

Whoever is travelling up close and personal with you will impact your belief and faith.

Be prayerful and seek wisdom dear fellow traveler on who you allow into your inner circle.

Allow the Spirit of God to guide you in all your friendships and relationships.

Power Thought

Proverbs 17:17

Proverbs 27:17

April 29, 2018 By Jayne Banful Power Thought Share:

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