Living Emotionally Healthy Blog


Meditation: You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. 

Psalm 16:11

Your relationship with God is an invitation to live daily in a place of strength, joy, peace and to live each waking day purposefully. Your Heavenly Father has granted you unlimited access to His holy Presence, to the throne room of grace anytime, any place, anywhere. No matter where you are physically or emotionally and regardless of what is happening to you, you can live daily in the throne room of God. It is the place where you are strengthened, equipped and envisioned to go and do life.

God invites you to come just as you are, boldly to the throne room daily. It is not a throne of judgement and condemnation but a place where you are accepted, embraced and loved unconditionally.

I was driving on the motorway when I noticed my fuel gauge was low. I usually refuel at minimum two bars as indicated on my gauge but this time, I continued to drive until all the bars disappeared and I was three miles to empty. The two fuel stations on my journey were all closed and I began to panic as I drove on reserve. It reminded me about living daily in God’s presence, where you and I are refuelled, recharged and confident to drive through life. You cannot live on reserve but in the overflow.

Therefore, on a daily basis, He invites you to come to Him where your strength is renewed. If there are any broken places in your heart, He mends it and equips you to live victoriously.

Begin your day, your week, month and your year living in the throne room of God.

Enjoy your day. Travel safe in Him.

Meditation & Reflection  

Hebrews 4:16

Acts 2:28

January 11, 2022 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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