Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

Whatever you magnify in your life will become true. So the Apostle Paul also encourages us to think on only the ‘honourable, the pure and the good things’ ( Philippians 4:8) in other words only magnify and lift up the Name Of God and His word.

It does not mean you are oblivious to all the negative in and around you but you choose to focus on what is true and the truth of God’s word. The doorway to feelings of anxiety and stress and all the negative emotions is from your thoughts.

Choose to think on the good that you have in your life today. Focus on the family and friends who are there for you. Don’t dwell on the ones who have hurt you or abandoned you. Be selective with what you focus on.

Fix your mind all you know to be true. Stay mentally strong this week.

Focus On

Proverbs 4:23

Philippians 4:6-8

April 8, 2018 By Jayne Banful Power Thought Share:

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