Living Emotionally Healthy Blog


And the Lord said to Moses, I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favour, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name

Exodus 33:17

Of all the billions of people in the world, God of the whole universe and the Creator of everything knows you by your name! 

Pause and think on that!

God not only created you but He knows you intimately and personally and this is because you were with God before you were created. The real you is your spirit, and the spiritual aspect of your being is known by God. You can rest in your soul and reflect on the truth this day. That your Heavenly Father knows all about you. All your needs, your concerns, your interests and even your dislikes.

The person you need to get acquainted with is your Creator. Thus, you must also get to know Him and His desires for you, His purpose and plan for you and for the world He created.

He has a good plan for your life. Get to know Him more today. Get acquainted with Him so that He can show you His glory.

Meditation & Reflection  

Jeremiah 1:5

John 10:3

Philippians 3:18

February 11, 2022 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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