Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, 

Colossians 1:3

Your life in Jesus Christ is a rich and fulfilling life that is more than enough for you and your friends, family and those that God will bring across your path. When you pray for others, you recognise and pray God’s heart and desire for all to be saved. 

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray He said ‘pray therefore like this: “Our Father Who is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). Demonstrating the inclusiveness of prayer as not just praying only for ourselves. When you are inclusive in your prayers, you are releasing the kingdom where you are. You are inviting God’s power and will to be done in your world. 

Even when you are not sure what exactly to pray for others about, the Holy Spirit will come to your assistance and empower and direct you how to pray. The Power of praying for others is evidenced in the life of the Apostle Paul who before his conversion was persecuting Christians. The Bible tells the account of the stoning of Stephen. Paul, who was not yet a Christian, approved of the stoning of Stephen, but Stephen and the believers on their part prayed for him and what an awesome answer to prayer and what an impact for the kingdom of God when Paul had his Damascus road experience and conversion. 

So start praying beyond yourself. Pray and ask God to show you those individuals that you need to pray for. 

Begin to declare and decree on earth that His kingdom, and will, will be done in Jesus name. Heaven is waiting for you to pray. 

Meditation & Reflection

Matthew 5:44

Romans 8:26

Ephesians 6:18

June 6, 2021 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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