Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

Power Thought: The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

When you are afraid, in trouble of any kind or your heart is overwhelmed run to the throne of your God. It is the safest place to seek refuge, get help and where your heart will be preserved and stabilised. God is and wants to be your first port of call before you call anyone or talk to any of your friends, share your heart with the Father first. His loving arms are ever ready and open wide to embrace you and hold through whatever you are facing or need to share.

Learn to run to the throne of your God first before you do anything else. The bible says His throne is not a place of condemnation where you will be put down or judged or criticised. It is a safe place where your heart will be preserved. That was the life style of King David even when he sinned he ran first to God. His heart broken over his sin he said” The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. (Psalm 51:17)

Whether you have sinned, missed your way or your heart is overwhelmed by life or anything that is weighing your heart down, run to the safe arms of your Heavenly Father. Tell Him “I am drawing near to you My God my heart is safe in your hands”.

Reflect Further:
Psalm 51
Hebrews 4:16

June 1, 2019 By Jayne Banful Power Thought Share:

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