Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

  • 15 Apr

    The goal is to know Jesus

    Above all the goals I set for myself yearly I have one goal that is always on my list it is articulated succinctly in Philippians “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death,” (Philippians 3:10 NLT)

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 08 Apr

    Focus only on the good, the noble, the gracious, what is true …

    Whatever you magnify in your life will become true. So the Apostle Paul also encourages us to think on only the ‘honourable, the pure and the good things’ ( Philippians 4:8) in other words only magnify and lift up the Name Of God and His word.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 01 Apr

    Look Up

    Power Thought

    Don’t look back, don’t look around,  only look up!

    I returned to the gym after a period of injury so my body was still repairing, I was not as agile and quick as I used to be. While I was on the step machine I looked to my left and to my right at the level of the workout of those around me and I began to suddenly feel discouraged. In that moment I heard the spirit of God say to me ‘ Don’t look back, don’t look around you but only keep your eye on Me’.  I immediately changed my focus. It is the same with our spiritual journey the quickest route to discouragement is to start to look at others on the way. But your Heavenly Father is reminding you today to narrow your focus, look at God, look at what He has done and what will do and just keep stepping.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 25 Mar

    Prepare For The Day

    I Am Prepared And Ready For My God ………

    “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation”

    – Paul Theroux

    As we approach  the end of March and also officially usher in the spring season, my favourite time of the year not only because I’m born in March but it reminds me that whatever spiritual seeds I have planted will also start to blossom in this season.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 18 Mar

    God Is With You

    When I pass through …… You Are With Me

    Sometimes the knowledge that ‘God is with you’ can become just another cliche, but this week He wants to remind you that wherever you are and whatever you are passing through He is with you. Become aware and more conscious of the ever abiding presence of your God who is always with you.

    As you press on in the year and step into spring remember the God of angels armies is with you, He was your God through the dark long winter and He’s with you in the spring time and will be with you through the blossoms of summer, He will shine through the dark colours of the autumn season.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 11 Mar

    Pass It On …

    I Will Pass On Whatever Truth You Reveal To Me

    We are all on a spiritual sojourn travelling through this world. The good news is that you and I are never alone the Lord is with us, He is in us and He goes ahead of us on this journey. If you are ahead of me or He reveals anything to you that will empower others coming behind or those who are not there yet, please don’t keep it to yourself, pass it on.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 04 Mar

    The Seasons They Are Changing

    ‘And It Came To Pass …’

    One of the favourite sayings of my late mother from the Bible  is “And It Came To Pass…

    A statement that I have also grown to love and live by. This is the truth I want to pass to you this week. Whatever lies in front of you or whatever you are going through that is challenging you, or causing you undue anxiety or stress or seeking to undermine your faith in God and His word is temporary. Dear friend you are simply passing through. This is not your final destination.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 25 Feb

    Encourage Yourself In The Lord

    Power Thought

    My Emotions Are Not In Charge, I Am!

    One of the easiest ways to get discouraged is to compare yourself to others and immediately it begins to impact on how you feel about yourself your life and everything. Social media has made this even easier by focusing on what others are doing, posting etc.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 18 Feb

    It’s Not Over Until God Says So

    Power Thought

    God Has The Final Say

    Whether you woke this morning feeling up beat or maybe you are feeling a little down, no matter what you woke up to and whatever you are facing for the day remember God has the final say on any and everything to do with your life. So check out what His word says on the issue and run with that today. Today will be amazing and your week will be glorious in His Name.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
  • 11 Feb

    Look At God Don’t Look At Yourself

    God Is Bigger Than Everything & Anything

    It is so easy to look at yourself, to look at all the mistakes or failings across your path. Mistakes and failings are simply lessons. They are not set backs. God has put within you the seed of possibilities. Today draw on the Zoe the God kind of life within your heart.

    By Jayne Banful Power Thought
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