Living Emotionally Healthy Blog

Empowering Thought

“You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways.” (Job 22:28)

In the beginning, the bible records that there was gross darkness and chaos and that the Spirit of God hovered over the earth, (Genesis 1:2-3) and God said, “Let there be light and there was light”. This is the story of how God spoke the very world into being. 

The presence of the Spirit of God and the words that God spoke over the universe, brought into manifestation the creation, and all that we see today.

The principle of initiating change in any area of your life is to decree, declare or speak what you want to see. You are created in the image of your God, and as an image bearer, you also have the power of creativity.

To decree or declare is to announce, proclaim and command an order by someone in authority. However, remember that Jesus gave you and I all authority and power, over all the power of the enemy. Whatever you bind on this earth is bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on this earth is loosed in Heaven.

In the same way that God spoke and declared creation into being, I encourage you to use the authority you have in the Name of Jesus to declare today!

What will you declare? What needs to change in your life and world? What change do you want to see today? Make some declarations today. 

Remember that anxiety and fear is fueled by negative thoughts and distortions. You have the power to speak truth to change any distortions and negative thoughts that the enemy is throwing in your mind.

I’m starting you off with the flowing declarations: “I declare that I have the mind of Christ, I declare that I will be the first and not the last, I declare that the peace of Christ reigns in my mind and I declare that I can do all things through Christ who infuses me with strength…”

Reflect Further

Psalm 118:17

Luke 10:19

March 3, 2021 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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