Living Emotionally Healthy Blog


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

Psalm 119:105

I have often wondered how we drove and sought direction in the days when there was no inbuilt navigation system and GPS in our cars. I do know that in the  UK we had the A-Z which was a guidebook to travel with but, even today I still get lost with the modernised navigation system. I’m sure I’m not alone in getting lost in the sophistication of modern-day gadgets.

However, the word of God is the ultimate guide that will always lead you safely and also put you back on course even when you get lost. It is the oldest travel manual. The guidebook for every area of your life and still works on the road.

The word of God is God’s very personal open letter to you about who He is, who you are and how to enjoy the super-rich and fulfilling life He has planned for you.

As you read the Bible today, personalise the word and put your own name in it as it is your Heavenly Father’s very personal open guide to you. 

I want to encourage you to lift up the word of God anew today. 

Draw inspiration and strength from the word. Look at the word of God as if you have never read it before. Slow down as you read the verses today, and if possible, pause on a word or phrase. Allow the word to speak afresh to your heart. Let the word give you the direction you need in your heart wherever you are heading today. 

Meditation & Reflection

Joshua 1:8

Psalm 119:97

Psalm 119:103

April 5, 2022 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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