Living Emotionally Healthy Blog


That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9

You are so special and so valuable to your Heavenly Father that He prepared for your arrival even before He created you. You were in the mind and heart of God before He formed you and brought you into the world. Your biological parents may have, or they may have not, prepared for your arrival or your entrance into the world. Whatever the case, you were certainly expected and welcomed into the world by your Heavenly Father.

The Bible also says that, ‘God prepared or created the heavens and the earth’ before He brought you into the world. He also prepared everything that you need and will ever need in your life. Whatever need you have in your life, He has already thought of it, prepared it and has it ready for you!

God’s plan was thwarted by satan when Adam and Eve sinned. God was not phased He didn’t have a plan ‘B’ or other options for your life it has always been only plan ‘A’ and the plan is still unfolding in your life.

When Jesus came, He also promised to go and ‘prepare for your arrival one day into heaven’. Your life has been cleverly and strategically and thoughtfully planned out. So no obstructions or destructions or plans of the enemy can overthrow what God has prepared for you and for your life.

As you step out into your well thought out plan for your life today, be encouraged that your Father is working out His plan for your life. Every detail and aspect of your life has already been prepared and will work out for your good. No matter what it looks like it is still a good plan that is unfolding daily as you journey.

Meditation & Reflection

Genesis 1:1

John 14:2

Ephesians 2:10

November 9, 2021 By Jayne Banful Uncategorized Share:

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